For students / Danish Education / Danish Education in Solrod
If you are looking for Danish Education in or near Solrød, CLAVIS can be of help. We have an agreement with Solrød municipality, which means that you can get free Danish Education at CLAVIS in Greve if you are eligible for Danish Education.
We have more than 35 years of experience in teaching Danish and therefore offer you high-quality teaching.
You can choose between several forms of free Danish education: physical education in Greve, online education at home in Solrød, or a combination of both. If you choose the combination, you attend one of our departments once a week and also receive online teaching at your home in Solrød.
Read more about our Danish Education
If you are not eligible for free Danish Education, you may be able to get free FVU (Preparatory Adult Education), which strengthens your skills in various areas, including Danish, if you live in Solrød. In addition, we also offer FVU Mathematics, FVU English and FVU Digital.
If you are not eligible for free Danish Education, you may be able to get free FVU (Preparatory Adult Education), which strengthens your skills in various areas, including Danish, if you live in Solrød.
If you are not entitled to free Danish Education, you may be able to get free FVU Education (Preparatory Adult Education). FVU gives you skills in writing, spelling, reading, arithmetic, English and IT. If you are eligible for FVU and resident in Solrød, you can get free Danish lessons through FVU at CLAVIS in Greve.