For students / Danish Education / Danish courses in Faxe
If you live i Faxe municipality and have the right to free Danish Education, you can get Danish lessons at CLAVIS in Ringsted.
At CLAVIS we have serveral opporunies to get Danish lessons. If you want to get Danish lessons in Faxe, where you live, you can choose online Danish lessons. If you want class room teaching, you have the opportunity to get Danish lessons in one of our departments near you e.g. Ringsted or Roskilde. You also have the opportunity to get a combination, so once a week have classroom teaching and once a week you get Danish lessons in Faxe or any other place with a computer and internet connection.
Read more about our Danish Education
Besides Danish Education CLAVIS offers FVU which is Danish lessons for those of you who already know some Danish. Getting Danish lessons is a nice supplement to your Danish Education. To get FVU tuition you need to meet some requirements, however, our talented teachers will help and guide you, so you will get the best possible education that is just right for you and your needs.
In addition, we also offer FVU Mathematics, FVU English and FVU Digital.
You can read much more about FVU here (In Danish)
As a citizen in Faxe municipality who wants free Danish lessons, you are welcome to get in touch with us at +45 41 73 81 00 or at
Our language school in Ringsted, where you can get free Danish lessons is placed in the middle of Ringsted city at Nørregade 13. If you arrive to our language school in car there are several parking options near the language school. If you arrive to the language school by public transport you are just a short walk from Ringsted Station or a few steps from the nearest bus stop.
CLAVIS Ringsted opened in 2021, however, at CLAVIS we have more than 35 years of experience in teaching in Danish as a second language. Our talented teachers are aware of the challenges that can be when learning a new language.
By choosing CLAVIS as your language school in Ringsted, you can be sure that you will get high quality teaching, and our nice staff are ready to help you with any questions you might have.
We look forward to seeing you at our language school.