At CLAVIS you can sign up for the final test in Danish at your level. The exam gives competences within Danish, so that you can cope with the requirements that are in the language of the Danish society. This applies, for example, to being able to get a job or take an education.
If you choose to pay online via our webshop you will automatically be signed up for the test. Sign up here
If you pay via MobilePay or bank transfer, then you have to registrate your participation by filling out this sign up form and send it to us by email or show up at our administration. In order for you to be registreted we must have received your sign up form and payment.
NB: The result for the written exam will be given after your oral exam.
You can also register for tests at one of our language schools during opening hours:
May 14th
June 10th – 20th
Marts 3rd
November 12th
December 1st – 12th
September 1st
If you need to take the examination under special conditions, you can read more in this Legislation in §25 subsection. 5
All examinations are produced by the Ministry of Education, and are under state control.
If you are a private student you have to pay a fee of DKK 1.575 for examination in Danish 1, 2 or 3.