Free Danish Education (DU3)
Danish Education (DU3) is targeted towards students who have learned a foreign language and/or are used to study at an academic level.
The course will focus on:
These courses are available for foreign students who are at pre-intermediate, intermediate or advanced level of Danish. The Danish Education covers a total of six modules. Each module is completed with a test. You have to pass the test before continuing on the next module. The Danish Education can be completed with a final exam.
General informations – where and when?
Course start
Classes will be established throughout the year.
Deposit: The deposit of 2.000 DKK must be paid prior to course start. The full deposit will be reimbursed when you complete the modules with a test within a certain timeframe or when you take the final exam. Read more about rules for reimbursement of deposit.
NB! You have to pay deposit prior to course start Payment terms
Before you start your Danish Education at CLAVIS, we invite you to an interview in order to evaluate which of the three Danish educations and which of the six modules suits you the best. When you start at CLAVIS you will receive all relevant information and guidance regarding your Danish education – along with time frames for your tuition, module tests, exams etc.