For students / Free Danish for International students at RUC
International students at RUC can receive free tuition in Danish. The courses will be an addition to your life as a student. Through these courses, you will also be able to meet other international students from across the campus.
Free Danish Education (DU3)
Danish Education (DU3) is targeted towards students who have learned a foreign language and/or are used to study at an academic level.
The course will focus on:
These courses are available for foreign students who are at pre-intermediate, intermediate or advanced level of Danish. The Danish Education covers a total of six modules. Each module is completed with a test. You have to pass the test before continuing on the next module. The Danish Education can be completed with a final exam.
General informations – where and when?
Course start
Beginner class, Tuesday, September 17th 2024
Advanced class, Monday, September 9th 2024.
NB: When you sign up please choose “Roskilde” as department and leave a comment in the designated box at the bottom of the sign up form, that you are a student at RUC.