Shop / Danish education / Deposit for the Danish education
NB! For online payment by card, MobilePay or payment via bank transfer from a foreign bank account, an administrative fee of 2.6% is imposed. There is no administrative fee for payments via bank transfer from a Danish bank account. – find more info in our payment terms
Payment of the deposit for Danish education 1, 2 and 3
2.000 kr.
The payment is not subject to the right of withdrawal (see section §18, subsection 2 of the Consumer Agreement Act).
Privacy Act
CLAVIS protects your personal information provided in connection with the payment in accordance with the Personal Data Act. Click here to read more.
Exemption for registration after the sign up deadline
If you have not registered on time, you can apply for an exemption from the sign up deadline from the Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration (SIRI). You do this by filling out this form (danish):
Application for exemption from the registration deadline for the Danish exams
Send the form by Digital Post (e.g. via e-Boks,, or the Digital Post app). You must select “Styrelsen for International Rekruttering og Integration” as the recipient. Then select “Danskprøver” as the subcategory of recipient.