It was a great day when Nazia Novera got her diploma from CLAVIS for having completed and passed her Danish Education 3 with a great result.
“It was really an over whelming and emotional situation to me. Al the hard work finally paid off and I felt a great joy when I was told my result. At the graduation it was a bit special, when I met my teachers and I saw the pride and joy in their eyes.”
This is how Nazia explains the graduation at CLAVIS in Copenhagen. A combination of pride and sadness that the Danish lessons was over. Nazia have been very happy for the Danish lessons at CLAVIS, and she describes the atmosphere as special and the great feedback, they received for their homework, was very useful for her Danish tuition.
Homework is important
“Homework was important to me, and when we have handed over something, then both of my teachers gave feedback, which was very motivating. I also like CLAVIS because there is such a good atmosphere,” she explains.
To Nazia is was not only the great feedback and the atmosphere to the Danish tuition that was important, but also the flexibility in the Danish Education, where you have the possibility for learning Danish online.
“There is a online platform called Itslearning. If you have problems showing up to the classes, you still have the possibility to get all the informations via itslearning. They offer online Danish courses, which means if you have troubles coming to the Danish classes, then you have the opportunity with streaming it online. I have used it once myself,” Nazia explains.
That flexibility that CLAVIS offer in their Danish courses meant a lot to her. She was able to fit both work and her Danish lessons into her everyday life.
“Last summer I had seasonal work, and at that time it (the online lessons. red.) was very useful to me. I finished my work at 16.00, and then I went home and participated in the Danish lessons online.”
Effective – focusing – motivating
Great feedback and tuition can not stand alone, thinks Nazia.
“I think it is very important, that you read. That is not enough, if you only do your homework and get to the Danish lessons. If you want a good result or great grades, then it is important that you study besides your homework. For example, I spoke Danish at home with my husband,” Nazia explains.
She has no doubt about, how she wants to describe CLAVIS with three words:
“Effective, focusing and motivating.”