Why should I learn Danish?
There are many reasons for learning the language spoken in the country where you live, work or study. It is an important prerequisite for communicating with colleagues at work, with the pedagogue in your child’s school or kindergarten, or if you are going to the doctor. In everyday life as well as in working life, the language is the key to understanding Danish behaviours, cultures, traditions and values.
It is by no means all jobs where English is used as corporate language.
Learning a new language as an adult is not easy. It can be beneficial to have Danish colleagues or Danish-speaking friends. However, if you really want to master the Danish language, it’s a good idea to seek professional help. There are many different language centres where you can learn Danish. It is important, however, to choose a language centre that matches your personal needs.
Teaching that fits into your everyday life
CLAVIS offers a flexible organization, providing classes and teaching at various times of the day and week. Thus, CLAVIS offers classes during the day, afternoon, evening and saturday as well as online courses.
– You can attend the teaching from basically all over the world, Karen Gammelgaard explains, being a teacher at CLAVIS.
Get tuition online. Read about CLAVIS online
Many language centres offer flexible teaching classes. Nevertheless, make sure to choose a language school which is authorized to perform state-authorized Danish studies with corresponding module tests or Danish examinations. This implies language centres that are authorized to lead you to DU1, DU2, DU3 and the Proficiency test. CLAVIS can do this!
In addition, it is important to choose a language centre where quality and rapid progression is of highest priority.
– At CLAVIS we have a strong focus on progress, both the progress in the class, but also a very strong focus on the individual progress for each student, explains Jo Håkonsson, teacher at CLAVIS
– Each and every student comes to us with different needs, and we try our very best to accommodate all request.
Are you curious about learning Danish at CLAVIS? Please contact our department in Greve.